PhD Position on Quantum Graphs

We are advertising a fully funded PhD position on Quantum Graphs, jointly supervised by Ion Nechita (LPT Toulouse) and Adrian Tanasa (LabRI Bordeaux). For more details, click on the positions tab.

Workgroup on Measurement Induced Phase Transitions (MIPTs)

We are starting a new workgroup on the recently discovered phenomenon of dynamical phase transitions in quantum many-body systems, called the Measurement Induced Phase Transitions (or MIPTs). This workgroup will involve discussing the recent literature surrounding this topic as regular talks delivered by one of the members of the workgroup, and some new ideas to tackle the important issues. This work group will be managed by Sang-Jun Park and Anna Sczapanek.

The multiple facets of quantum cloning

This workshop is being organized following Denis Rochette’s PhD thesis defense entitled “Asymmetric cloning in quantum information theory”, and will focus on the many facets of cloning in quantum information theory.