Job offers

PhD Opportunities

  • We are advertising a fully funded PhD position on Quantum Graphs, jointly supervised by Ion Nechita (LPT Toulouse) and Adrian Tanasa (LabRI Bordeaux). Please see here for the details. The PhD position will start in October 2024. Candidates should provide a motivation letter, a detailed curriculum vitae, transcripts of academic records, and names and email addresses of two references. The documents should be sent to the two supervisors, Ion Nechita and Adrian Tanasa. Evaluation of applications will begin immediately.

If you are interested in doing a PhD in Toulouse please contact us. There are fundings opportunities are avaiblable from CIMI, EUR MINT, Institut Quantique Occitan and Ecole Doctorale EDMITT.

Post-Doctoral Opportunities

We don’t have any positions open at this time.


If you are interested in doing an internship in mathematical physics, quantum information theory, the theory of open quantum systems, random matrix theory, free probability theory, quantum trajectories, or any other topic related to the group’s activity, please contact one of the senior members.